New Age of Enlightenment

According to our tradition the Akhu was founded in ancient Egypt by the high priest of Heliopolis called Imhotep, whose story begins with his widowed mother called Khereduankh becoming impregnated by the spirit of the god Ptah, who is the great architect of the universe and patron to architects and masons. Khereduankh gave birth Imhotep, also known as the widows son, who grew to become a master in the art of masonry and he founded a secret guild that constructed the Sun Temple of the Phoenix with a secret chamber to house a sacred relic known as the Pyramidion of Light also known as the Benben Stone, which was crafted from a meteor that fell to earth in the distant past. It is said that anybody who finds and opens the secret chamber will be granted illumination from the Pyramidion of Light, which made it sought after by many. 

One day Imhotep was approached by a group of ruffians who demanded to know the location of the secret chamber but Imhotep refused to divulge its location and as a result the life of Imhotep was ended by the ruffians, who buried Imhotep in a shallow grave and marked it with a sprig of acacia. The following day the fellow craftsmen of Imhotep discovered his corpse, which was given a proper burial in a secret location. It was believed that one day the Pyramidion of Light also known as the Benben Stone will be discovered, which will mark the New Age of Enlightenment, when humanity will be enlightened into the mysteries of the universe. 

The Benben Stone was modelled after the primeval mound called the Benben, where the great phoenix called Bennu nested to create the universe before burning to ashes and was venerated in the city of Heliopolis. In the Egyptian coffin texts Bennu states, “I am that great Phoenix, which is in Heliopolis, the supervisor of what exists”. According to legend, Bennu nested upon the Benben and laid the cosmic egg, which symbolises the singularity of the primordial black hole. The cosmic egg contained all the mass and energy of the universe, which is personified as the supreme god called Atum, who is an androgynous being. 

Atum embodies all the mass of the universe, while his feminine counterpart called Saosis is described as the hand of Atum, that was used to kindle a sudden burst of energy associated with the Big Bang, which hatched the cosmic egg and ejected the cosmic seed of creation called Shu also known as Aether, who personifies the formless base of all matter. In the Egyptian Coffin Text Shu states, “I am this soul of Shu, which is in the flame of the fiery blast which Atum kindled with his own hand”.

400,000 years after the Big Bang the universe went into a one billion year period known as the cosmic dark ages, during which Shu became lost in the darkness of the universe, so Atum, who emerged from the abyss of chaos as the reborn Bennu, sent out his all seeing eye to find Shu, but the eye of Atum could not see in the darkness so Shu illuminated the universe by creating the first stars and galaxies as the neurons of the universe and the eye of Atum became conscious. In the Egyptian Coffin Text Shu states, “I am Shu father of the gods and Atum once sent out his single eye seeking me and my sister Tefnut. I made a light of the darkness for it, and it found me as an immortal”

The soul of every individual originated within the astral plane as an immortal being of light, which vibrates on a high frequency of enlightenment. In the distant pass this Illuminated soul was ejected from its original astral body and became imprisoned within a mortal physical body on the physical plane, where the soul became ignorant of its true essence.

After the expiration of the physical body the soul attempts to return to its original home of the astral plane, but If the soul is vibrating on a low frequency it is unable to do so, and is subsequently reincarnated into another physical body to begin another lifetime on the physical plane. However if the soul has attained knowledge of its true essence and is vibrating on a high frequency of enlightenment it becomes liberated from the cycle of reincarnation and returns to its astral body as an illuminated soul. 

The souls of the enlightened align with the Lord of light called Osiris, who began to rule over the earth 24,000 years ago but approximately 12,000 years ago Osiris was destroyed by his adversary called Set, who has ruled over the earth for the past 12,000 years with darkness. This is an allegory for a 24,000 year cycle known as the great year, which is divided into two 12,000 year periods of light and dark, which are sub divided into six 2000 year ages. We are currently on the cusp of the final age of darkness and dawning the first age of light, when humanity will become liberated from their state of ignorance and attain spiritual enlightenment 

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